This pillowy soft, subtly sweet sandwich bread is a beloved breakfast staple in Japan and is typically eaten sliced very thick, lightly toasted, and served...
Thanks to a yeasted dough and a blend of flours, these glazed apple fritters strike the perfect balance between crisp and doughy, and are a decadent way...
These Irish Soda Scones pack the hallmarks of our favorite St. Patrick's Day bread-loads of currants and caraway seeds-into a single serving with a light,...
Try your hand at a homemade version of the classic breakfast pastry -- buttery dough filled with sweetened farmer's cheese and raisins. Martha made this...
"This French toast recipe is one of my favorites, and it's great for company because everyone loves it. Fresh orange zest and juice, as well as orange...
The economical egg is a great base for all sorts of hearty flavors; our versatile frittata recipe can be made with a variety of ingredients for an easy...
An easy recipe for warm, buttery rolls is reinvented into super cinnamon buns. You can easily adjust the filling to suit your taste. Skip the chocolate...
Our take on the British classic calls for a touch of brown sugar and a combination of whole-wheat and all-purpose flour, creating lightly sweet cookies...
This crispy, cheesy, meaty croissant showcases Dijonnaise (equal parts mayonnaise and Dijon mustard), one of the test kitchen's favorite condiments. It's...
You can use any assortment of farmers' market and tropical fruits for this impressive brunch spread. Bonus: you can make all the accompaniments in advance:...
One simple recipe is all you need to bake four types of bread, each one hearty, wholesome, and delicious. This rye bread recipe won't disappoint. See our...
Whether you've got a stovetop or electric waffle iron at home, this recipe will have everyone begging for more. Try creating your own topping, too; Lucinda's...
Make this crust for our Herbed Quiche with Blue Cheese. Recipes by Emeril Lagasse, from "Farm to Fork," HarperStudio, New York, 2010, courtesy Martha Stewart...
Applesauce creates a moist texture in baked goods, as proven by this coffee cake. We made our own applesauce (one of the best ways to use up bruised apples)...
This custard-filled cornbread is an updated take on a flavorful classic. Serve it as a side dish or in place of bread at the dinner table-you won't be...
These scones have a texture similar to that of mashed potatoes. In Scotland, they are cooked on a griddle and served with breakfast. We added some cheese...